Monday 19 September 2011

The City of Oxford and d'Overbroeck's College

ISC student Maria Constantinescu shares her thoughts on Oxford and d'Overbroeck's College:
"Oxford is the city to be! Not only does it have a long and interesting history, but its beauty is simply breath taking. I will not bore you with its history, as you can find it written down on Wikipedia. I will, however, relate my personal feelings about this place.

Why Oxford? People might often wonder. My response is, why not? Oxford has everything to offer! From one of the best universities in the world to the smallest convenience store, it has anything your heart might desire. Oxford is a city of life, a city in which students feel at home, where people can get the education they truly deserve and still keep things fun.

I am an international student and I have to say, joining d’Overbroeck’s is the best choice I have ever made. It has a wonderful feeling to it, it’s warm and friendly, but it is also the best environment in which a person can achieve a high level of education. The timetable is created so that you are able to work hard and get good results in your GCSE exams, but it also gives students the opportunity to discover new hobbies or interests.

One of the most important things you have to remember is that the teachers are always there for you. Beginning a new life in a different country with a different language can be rather difficult, but the teachers, as well as the other students, can be of huge help. So don’t worry about anything. All you are expected to do is your job as a student, meaning that you have to study. The rest will come naturally. My only advice: leave your fears behind and smile to the future. Beginning a new life won’t be that difficult if you start it with a smile on your face."

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