Monday 12 September 2011

My First Week

ISC student Libing Wan (Amy) writes about her first week here at The International Study Centre.

"In the first week of September, I arrived in the UK  after a long trip and began my life here in Oxford. This is my first time being in England and away from my family. I felt a little nervous about the totally different environment, but my host family was very kind. My host-mother made me feel at home and explained every detail about the life here. I realised that the culture here is very different from my own country, including the table manner and kinds of food people eat - there's so much for me to learn.

On Monday of the first week, my host-mother helped me to get to school. I was still nervous, but I found the teachers were all very kind and enthusiastic. I was taken to my tutor group. Our Form Tutor is a very passionate and funny teacher! I met many schoolmates from different countries and I enjoy talking with them very much.

The lessons in the first week is mainly trial lessons, all of the subjects are very attractive to me, the teachers told us lots of advice about how to choose our courses, such as if you are really interested in the subject or what you want to do in the future; which was very helpful to me. After considering carefully, I have chosen Geography, Biology and History as my extra options.

During the first week, the teachers took us to walk around Oxford, and told us which shops to go to if we need anything, for example a scientific calculator or folders.  I really love my new school, it has changed my concept of 'school'. d'Overbroeck’s College makes me feel more like a big family instead of a school. The first week here impressed me and I hope I can do well throughout the year!"

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