Monday 25 October 2010

Sweet-toothed fund-raising for Amnesty International

Once a year the International Study Centre hosts a fun-filled day of fundraising for a UK or international charity. The teachers and students work hard at preparing the event with the teachers and staff baking biscuits and cakes to sell to students and staff throughout the college with the aim of raising as much money as possible for a good cause. This year, Amnesty International was chosen as the charity that would benefit from all our baking skills at the ISC.

Students are the ISC are currently studying the topic of Human Rights and the role of charities in their citizenship subject, and planning their coursework around this sensitive and challenging topic.

Teachers and students alike feasted on biscuits and cakes in a party-like atmosphere at break times. The cakes and biscuits were delicious with the chocolate brownies and coffee cake in particular going down a storm with all staff and students.

Talal said, “It’s good to help people and see people doing something. Every little thing you do counts.”

Toby found the day’s event very enjoyable. “I liked being involved with a cause that affects society, either locally or globally.” It gave me a good opportunity to improve my English by focusing on wider issues in society that we don’t normally cover in class.

The amount of £71.83 was raised in total.

Everyone was particularly impressed by the tasty treats baked by the ISC staff. Rumour has it that the students will have the task of cooking biscuits and cakes for the next event, and we are sure they will be just as delicious as those eaten on our fund-raising day!

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