Monday 25 October 2010

Our school trip to London

We had a fantastic sunny day for our school trip to London. After arriving, we walked around Parliament Square, stopping to take snaps of the bronze statues of Richard the Lion Heart and Oliver Cromwell. We’d just learned about the development of rights in Britain in our Citizenship classes, so it was exciting to see the ‘mother of Parliaments’. We even saw some protesters camped outside and read some of their posters.

Next, we walked up Whitehall Avenue, stopping to see Downing Street (the home of the Prime Minister) and the Cenotaph (the memorial to all who have died in conflicts around the world) on our way. Helen, our head teacher, explained how the Cenotaph is the focus of Remembrance Sunday celebrations in November.

Everyone enjoyed seeing the soldiers in their brightly coloured uniforms at Horse Guards Parade, and the girls all took photos. We’re not sure who they were most interested in – the horses or the soldiers!

Before lunch in Chinatown, we made a detour to Buckingham Palace. The Queen wasn’t at home, but there was a film crew working on Johny English 2. Watch out for us on film when it is released at the cinema! That’s us in the background during the car chase. (Just kidding!)

Our expert guide for lunch was Tian Song, better known to us as Tim. He took us to the ‘best restaurant in Chinatown’, where we ate incredibly spicy Chinese food. The teachers were not brave enough to join us and went to eat Dim Sum instead – but they said it was very tasty.

Last stop: shopping in Covent Garden. Some of us explored the smaller, more interesting shops, while others just wanted to hang out in the Apple Store! There was also a chance to watch some street entertainment. We saw a man pretending to be a hamster in a cage. British people can be pretty strange!

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