Thursday 9 February 2012

Out and About Club 2

Wildlife Photographer of the Year - a trip to Science Oxford

The 'Out and Abouter’s' all trundled off to St Clements to be inspired by the best of the best in wildlife photography. Science Oxford is currently hosting this year’s exhibition in Oxford - a fantastic display of amazing photography which made us feel as though we had travelled to the ends of the ends of the earth. 

Here is a sample of just a few highlights from the trip, the exhibition continues until the 10th March, and is well worth a visit!

'The Charge'
This charging herd of Muskoxen were captured on Victoria Island, Canada – Highly commended
'Pelican Perspective'
Bence Mate took this in Lake Kerkini in Northern Greece, winning the Eric Hosking portfolio award 2011
'Sleeping Infant'
Chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains national park in Tanzania – Highly commended

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