Wednesday 19 December 2012

ISC Winter Celebrations

Last week the students from the International Study Centre started off the Winter Celebrations by performing their annual Pantomime. All of the students were involved in one way or another, whether it being a main acting role, singing in the choir, performing in the band or part of our backstage crew. The students had less than 4 weeks preparation for this event which was held at the Old Fire Station Theatre in Oxford City Centre. Every Tuesday and Thursday after lessons, the students split into their groups to rehearse scenes or practise music or paint some scenery. There were even some additional rehearsals on a couple of Sundays as the students wanted to ensure they put on a good show. The pantomime was a complete sell out within days!. The audience was made up of supportive host families, student guardians , friends and staff. Iskandar and Fatima’s parents even flew over from Azerbaijan to watch this memorable performance. It was a fun filled evening of live music from our d’Overbroeck’s band, traditional Irish dancing and dancing toad stools! Not forgetting the leprechaun, fairies and elves, our fabulous dame Widow Twanky and our evil villain Lord Lir.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Student profile: Mattei Moreno-Gomez

Mattei in make-up ready for his role as Evil Lord Lir in the International Study Centre's pantomime.

Mattei joined us age 14 from France. He chose to study at d’Overbroeck’s College because he felt there was “a real community feel and pleasant atmosphere that I didn’t pick up from visiting any other schools.”

Mattei is currently living with one of our host families in Wolvercote and says that the family “cares for him and makes you feel comfortable and at home.” Along with participating in many of the ISC trip and activities, Mattei enjoys spending his time at music and drama clubs in Oxford. Mattei’s future ambition is to perform on stage and/or become a music composer.

Mattei recently starred as the villain, Evil Lord Lir, in the ISC’s Annual Pantomime, whilst also playing Bass Guitar in the band. “Being involved in the pantomime was extremely fun. Everyone worked together really was and as a team we produced great results. The Old Fire Station was a great location.” Mattei enjoys studying at the International Study Centre which he calls “his own little family.”

Mattei plans to return to France once he has finished his GCSEs to complete his French International Baccalaureate and then hopes to attend a Music or Drama College.

At the moment Mattei is studying GCSE Biology, History, English as a Second Language, Geography, Maths, Citizenship, P.E and PSHE

Saturday 1 December 2012

Student focus: Ingrid Marin

In the coming weeks we will be featuring some of our GCSE students to give you an insight into life at the International Study Centre. We start with Ingrid Marin.

Ingrid joined us at the age of 15 from Romania. Ingrid chose to study with us because she felt it was ‘a College that would fit my needs and provide a better education and a better future.’ She says that "d'Overbroeck's is an amazing school. The thing I like most is how the teachers make you love the subjects as much as they do and make you study because you want to not because you have to."

Ingrid is currently living at Bensons, our all-girls boarding accommodation and says she especially enjoys the "great food and environment."

 Along with participating in many of the ISC trip and activities, especially Dance Club, Ingrid enjoys spending time with her friends in Oxford, which she describes as a ‘very beautiful city’. She also likes that "it is filled with students just like me, from all over the world."

At GCSE Ingrid is studying Maths, English as a First Language, English as a Second Language, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, German, Citizenship, PSHE and P.E.

Ingrid is thinking of taking Sociology, Economics, Maths and Politics at A level and hopes to go to study at UCL later on.