Tuesday 3 July 2012

Gabby and Julia – a talk with our Lithuanian students at our International Study Centre

"A couple of weeks before they took their GCSE exams, I had a chat with our two Lithuanian students about life in Oxford and studying at d’Overbroeck’s College. Both Gabby and Julia joined the International Study Centre (ISC) in September 2011 and have been fantastic students to have studying with us.

Their choice to come and study in the UK was based on recommendations and an appreciation that Britain is highly regarded in Lithuania and around the world for its great education system. So the next step was to choose a college and with the help of an educational advisor and some online research they decided to apply to d’Overbroeck’s because of its position within the top independent schools in the country and the immense support given to international students.

When asked to compare d’Overbroeck’s to their previous schools in Lithuania, the girls told me that they were impressed with how organized our College is and with the huge amount of information they absorb in the lessons. They love the fact that, here, they are only about 10-12 students in a class compared to 30 or more in Lithuania – and they both agree that this factor contributes a lot to their successful learning. They also love their teachers at the ISC because they are truly interested in the students and give them a lot of support in and outside of the classroom - something they didn’t use to have back at their schools in Lithuania.

Gabby (left) and Julia outside d'Overbroeck's College International Study Centre
Gabby and Julia are both hard-working girls, and very intelligent as well. We spent some time talking about politics in their country and the differences between Lithuania and the UK, and I was pleased to find two teenage girls that are very aware of the world they live in. They also seem to enjoy being in Oxford, and when asked about it they both agreed that it is a great city to study in because it is not too busy and not too big. They like the fact that they can easily meet up with friends for a walk or for lunch in the weekends, or even after doing their homework after dinner. They don’t have to travel far and everybody is within easy reach.

One important question that I was really looking forward to hear the answer to was how they felt about studying in the International Study Centre as opposed to studying with British students. Gabby and Julia confessed that at first they weren’t entirely sure what it would be like but now they cannot imagine having studied anywhere else. They thought that studying with other international students at this stage made their transition easier and a much richer experience in overall.

It was a very good chat, though it had to be quite a short one as they had to head back to class for their exam preparation. However, I am sure I will be seeing them a lot still as they have both been accepted to our Sixth Form. They will be starting their A levels this September, joining in with other successful students from our ISC as well as many new day and boarding British and international students.
Since our meeting, Gabby and Julia have graduated from our ISC with excellent grades all across the board. And, they both joined the ISC’s end-of-year exploration trip to Naples – something we will look to hear more on one of our next blog entries. "

Debora Brand