Friday 7 October 2011

Sports at the ISC

Written by ISC student Gabby Malevanyte:

"Sports at d'Overbroeck’s College gives you an opportunity to open yourself as a personality and discover all the deep force of your soul. Here you have a great chance to make lots of new friends doing team sports and individual sports. There are lots of different activities. For example: aerobics, hockey, basketball, netball, football and so on. Also some of these games are played in any weather conditions. This term, Hockey Coach, Dan Austin says the ISC students are doing really well and 'are the best international students he has taught'. We are hoping this means we will be able to play a hockey match against another ISC team soon!

By doing any of these sports you can relax, keep fit and express yourself. In addition, school sports kit is included, which is very nice looking and comfortable for doing sports. If you want to do extra sports in Oxford which you like, you can search for it in the internet or ask your form tutor."

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Oxford Open Doors

Written by ISC student Sai Chananithitham:

"When we think of England, I guess the very first place that we usually think about is Oxford. It is very famous by its own history, beautifulness, and also well known for being one of the leading educational cities in the world.

I have been in England and living in Oxford for almost a month now. And I am here as an international student in IGCSE program at d'Overbroeck's College. Since I arrived in Oxford, I immediately fell in love with this city because the city is very beautiful and the way people talk or their accent is so charming for me. On Sunday 11th of September, after our first week at school here, my friends and I got a very good opportunity to go and walk around Oxford on the ISC welcome weekend school trip led by our teachers. The special thing about that day was that it was an 'Open Doors' day for the university and college buildings in Oxford organised by the Oxford Preservation Trust. They welcomed everybody in, and let us find out by ourselves what the university is really like.

We saw many colleges and also many gorgeous old style of architecture around the city. While I was walking and looking around the colleges, it really inspired me to have a goal for my future university education and hopefully I can get into Oxford University someday."